Public Model Number |
BJ1039V4JD3-A |
Engine |
Engine |
BJ493ZLQV1 (Electric VE Pump) |
Engine type |
Four cylinder, inline, four stroke,Turbo charged with Intercooler,electronic control VE pump, diesel engine |
Rated power of engine (kw/rpm) |
80/3600 |
Maximum torque (N.m/rpm) |
280/1900~2200 |
Engine displacement (L) |
2.771 |
Gearbox |
Gearbox |
5TS32 |
Gearbox speed ratio |
Ⅰ:5.595 Ⅱ:2.848 Ⅲ:1.691 Ⅳ:1.000 Ⅴ:0.794 R:5.347 |
Rear axle |
Rear axle load (T) |
3 |
Rear axle speed ratio |
6.167 |
Cabin type/width |
NEW CAB with single row L1800 |
Drive form |
4X2 |
Tire type/number |
7.00R16/6+1 (double rear wheel) |
Brake |
Service brake type |
Hydraulic brake |
Parking brake type |
Central Drum Type |
Steering device |
power-assisted steering |
Weight parameter |
Curb weight (Kg) |
2300 |
Rated load capacity (Kg) |
2500 |
Max. load capacity (Kg) |
4000 |
Performance parameter |
Maximum speed (no load)(km/h) |
105 |
Maximum gradeability (%) |
29% |
Minimum turning radius (mm) |
6300 |
Minimum ground clearance (mm) |
202 |
Dimension parameters |
Overall dimensions (LxWxH)mm |
5460×2000×2240 |
Internal cargobox dimensions (LxWxH)mm |
3600×1900×360 (2.34m³) |
Wheelbase (mm) |
2800 |
Chassis Frame |
192×60×6-780 |
Front/rear wheel track (mm) |
1513.5/1526 |
Front/rear Overhang (mm) |
1117/1540 |
Clutch Diameter (mm) |
φ260 |
No. of front and rear leaf spring |
9/6+6 |
Rated voltage (V) |
12 |
Capacity of the fuel tank (L) |
100 |
Others |
Standard configuration |
Warmer,Power Steering, Radio tire |
Selective configuration |
AC,Radio tire |